Chyvanprash: Herbs for seasonal wellness

Good Evening Fam!

It was a glorious day! (anyone catch the Hocus Pocus reference)? Well, that must mean one thing, we are near the best holiday ever! The cool crisp air has began pouring in and the fall is taking hold. Halloween is this month and I know we are all so excited! Leading us to possibly encounter some stressors too. Every year, as the seasons unveil themselves we go through a transition. If we are able to stay connected to ourselves during these changes we truly are our best doctors to avoid imbalances. Maintaining an intimate look inside what you're experiencing day to day will give you clues to what foods, spices, rituals, and so fourth will be the most useful for you. Because at the end of the day, its all about thriving! Working smarter not harder. 

I want to introduce you to a special concoction of herbs called Chyvanprash. A jam like mixture naturally sweetened with amla berries, ghee and 52 herbs, minerals and vital nutrients to completely nourish and balance your organs, mind, and spirit. My studies of healing are found in Ayurveda, an ancient form of healing. One of the pillars of Ayurveda is diet. I know we have all herd "you are what you eat" or "food is medicine" because its so true! When you begin to view it this way you begin to be your best healer. It's truly magic, healing yourself? It requires slowing down a bit, being responsible to yourself, listening, and prepared with the right tools. Thats why I'm beginning a blog on all things Ayurveda, Tea, and wellness to share with you my personal journey in hopes to help you along the way.

On my journey of discovering how to heal through Ayurveda I found the Ayurvedic Living School. A wonderful and inspiring woman by the name Traci Webb, the director, introduced me to this special recipe. Taking Chyvanprash daily during the seasonal changes increases my vitality and nourishes any imbalances by being tridoshic, high in vitamin C and E. Tridoshic, meaning it balances my Kapha, Vata, and Pitta doshas. These doshas relate directly to the seasons and elements, water & earth, air & ether, fire & water. We are made up of a specific percentage of each. This is called our Prakriti and as life continues, aging persists, environments change, excuse the frank-ness Sh** happens! Progressively, this turns into what is called Vikriti. Our goal is to return to our natural state of balance.

You will find this recipe listed here. Another option, they carry their own Chyvanprash. I find both to be delicious. 

Many blessings,


